Car Accident Injuries

No car accident injury should be overlooked

Car accident victims who settle too quickly with the insurance companies, whether they are the driver or an injured passenger, may not get the full compensation they are owed. Call 1-866-275-4563 today. Our experienced attorneys work hard to build the strongest possible case for our clients.

Factors that affect the severity of an injury may include, but are not limited to: speed, the weight and size of the vehicles, and functioning of safety equipment such as airbags or children's car seats.

The driver's conduct, such as distracted driving or driving drunk, may also play a role in the damages owed to you.

Car accident injuries can be severe

Car accident injuries frequently include:

You deserve justice if you have been a victim of a car accident injury as the result of another's negligence. Call Joe today.

A car-accident injury can turn any Maine resident's life upside-down. But your rights are firmly rooted in the law. We can help you get back on your feet. Our experienced attorneys can help with insurance claims, police reports, gathering witness statements, and all other aspects to support your personal injury case.

Call Joe today at 1-866-275-4563, or contact our offices. The initial case evaluation is free, and we don't get paid until you win.