Injuries Caused by Crane or Scaffolding Accidents
Our aggressive attorneys will help victims of scaffolding and crane injuries
It's often complicated to determine who is responsible in crane-and-scaffolding accidents. But knowing what to do if injured is simple: Call 1-866-275-4563. We won't let insurance company bureaucracy or stalling tactics keep you from the compensation that is owed to you.
Crane and scaffolding injuries tend to occur where there are multiple contractors on-site at the same time. Contractors may follow reasonable standards of safety, only to have the integrity of their crane or scaffold compromised by another party's action.
Crane and scaffolding accidents can be a result of:
- Improperly erected scaffolding
- Improperly secured scaffolding
- Scaffolding erected near power lines or other hazards
- Negligent maintenance of crane pulleys
- Lack of adequate safety equipment (such as a harness) where applicable
As with electrocution accidents or other workplace cases, strict guidelines, sometimes at both the state and federal level, determine appropriate placement and demarcation of these types of equipment. The seriousness of the resulting injuries, which may include damage to the spinal cord or other injury requiring surgery, may make it well worth your while to rely on experienced legal representation.
Scaffolding or crane injuries may change your life, but you still have your rights. Call Joe today.
We know that a serious personal injury from a crane or scaffolding accident is a life-altering event. We hear every day about our clients' hardships when they have lost a loved one or suffered a significant trauma. We see first-hand their physical and emotional pain. That is what focuses our commitment to vigorous legal representation to injury victims in Maine.
Call Joe today at 1-866-275-4563. There is no fee or obligation for a case evaluation. And if we take your case, we don't get paid until you win. You have rights; we're ready to help. Contact our offices right away.